Tuesday 20 May 2014


I took these photos today and in the order they appear. With one exception, they were all first shots. I did edit them slightly in Picasa -a little judicious cropping and the occasional touch of lightening.I decided to do this because the number of cats in my house can change without notice. Though the number is the same as yesterday, one cat has gone and another arrived. Brief notes will indicate the status of the various little monsters.

Jeff's kittens, 5 weeks old. Available for re-homing in three weeks time.

Jeff, 10 months old, lovely friendly cat. Status: provisionally reserved for the time being.

Aoife, 5 years old. Status: available, to be transferred to the re-homing centre in three weeks.

Emma, 8 months old. Status: currently available but may stay here.

Aelfric, 4 years old. Status: will have to be prised out of my cold dead hands.

Gilgamesh, 5 years old. Status: depends on how he gets on with my other cats, faintly promising so far.

Fifi, 5 years old. Status: going nowhere.

Tilly, 1 year old. Status: same as Emma's.

Frank, 2 years old, arrived today. Status: available. First impressions: a nice friendly young cat who hates being in the cage in the bookroom but I've got nowhere else for him. Can anyone help him?

Right, I think that speaks for itself. Time I made my tea.

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